Sunday, June 13, 2010

VBS 2010

 This week I got to go to my first Vacation Bible School. The theme was Saddle Ridge Ranch. I got to wear my cowboy boots everyday and learn about God. What could be more fun? Everyday my teachers taught me new things, and I made some kind of art, and got to have a snack and juice. To start the day we went to the Chapel and watched a show. This guy was wearing a mask, and he was scary. But at the end of the week we found out it was actually a good guy. It was fun! Mommie and Daddy got to come one night and watch me sing and look at all the fun stuff I did all week. Mommie didn't bring her video camera because usually I don't want to go in front of the church, but I did it. She was so proud of me, and is getting a copy of the show from another parent. She did get some pictures though. I can't wait for next years VBS.
As you can see I would not wear the T shirt we made.

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